Tag Archives: critical

Add Some Teachers Union Meeting Fireworks to Your July 4th Weekend

I’m getting ready for all the hot dogs, swimming, and fireworks this weekend. But if you want to keep tabs on a different kind of fireworks, stay tuned to the Education Intelligence Agency’s coverage of the annual National Education Association Representative Assembly, this year in San Diego. U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan kicks off the five-day event this morning with a “town hall” meeting of union members. So there might be some fireworks for you right there. In the meantime, Larry Sand of the California Teachers Empowerment Network welcomes the NEA delegates to town with a critical op-ed in the local San Diego Union-Tribune.


Bromwell Elementary Issue Makes the Case for Expanding School Choice

The Denver Post‘s Jeremy Meyer reports today on the latest from the Bromwell Elementary controversy: Parents who skirted district rules to get their children into a high-performing Denver school must go through the choice process for next year, a school committee said. Bromwell Elementary’s collaborative school committee met Wednesday to decide what to do with students from outside of the neighborhood who did not follow the district’s enrollment procedures. In one instance, a family enrolled by using a grandparent’s address. The committee said students who failed to prove they live within school attendance boundaries must enroll through the district’s choice process, which operates on a blind lottery. Superintendent Tom Boasberg must approve the recommendation. First, let me say that Denver Public Schools appears to be fairly treating people who tried to cheat the system. It isn’t right when one of my friends tries to move my checkers when I’m not looking, and it isn’t right for people to pretend to live at a different address so they can enroll their child into a different school. But the conversation can’t end there.