Liberty Common Charter School: Excellence in Education

In celebration of National School Choice Week, we are pleased to release our latest school profile about Liberty Common Charter School.
Read More...In celebration of National School Choice Week, we are pleased to release our latest school profile about Liberty Common Charter School.
Read More...Today, in a long-awaited ruling on state Blaine Amendments, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of three Montana mothers who wished to enroll their children in religious schools with the assistance of a scholarship.
Read More...Educators of all types, including parents, have a tremendous challenge before them.
Read More...It’s national school choice week, and this year the annual celebration of school choice coincides with the release of the Independence Institute’s latest charter school profile.
Read More...Today, in fact right now, the United States Supreme Court is scheduled to finally hear the oral arguments in the case of Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, which the Court agreed to hear back in June of last year. In 2015, lawmakers in Montana passed a school choice program that provided a state tax credit for private donations made to non-profit K-12 scholarship granting organizations. The following year, the program was halted by overzealous regulators at the state’s department of revenue who invoked the Montana constitution’s Blaine Amendment to bar scholarship recipients from using these funds at religious schools. A group of plaintiffs comprised of three mothers wishing to send their children to religious private schools challenged the Department of Revenue rule and so began the case now before the Supreme Court. The parents’ argument was that the rule that effectively invalidate the program was unconstitutional under both the Montana and the United States Constitutions as it violated their right to free exercise of religion. Despite the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Trinity Lutheran v. Comer not long prior, the Montana State Supreme Court ended the program. The case being heard today aims to answer the issue of whether […]
Read More...The Independence Institute will be hosting a free, public screening of Miss Virginia…
Read More...It’s already mid-December, which means that the deadline for teachers to request a refund of their CEA Every Member Option dollars is fast approaching.
Read More...Last week the Foundation for Excellence in Education held its national summit that annually brings together countless education policy experts and activists.
Read More...A key takeaway from the recently published EdChoice study is that the benefits of choice in education speak for themselves but much of the public may still be unaware of these and as such may form their opinions based either on preconceptions or political talking points.
Read More...Between October 9 and 11, Westminster Public Schools is hosting the second iteration of its educator and administrator summit intended to showcase and explain the Competency Based System (CBS) used to structure curriculum and instruction at all of the district’s schools.