"What's at the absolute top" of Jeb Bush's Education Reform List? Digital Learning
Today I get to recommend to you a great video from reason.tv, as Nick Gillespie asks former Florida governor (and founder, board president and chairman of the Foundation for Excellence in Education) Jeb Bush, “What is at the absolute top of your education reform list?”:
For those of you too impatient to watch the video (or too distracted to read the title of this post), or who simply want fast access to more information, the answer is Digital Learning. Nothing has more power and potential to disrupt the current education monopoly, transform the system and provide students the greatest access to high-quality, customized learning options.
The state level is where most of the work will be done, the work of creating a regulatory environment and equitable funding system suitable to the task of expanding high-quality Digital Learning options. It’s no surprise then that last week my friends in the Education Policy Center hosted a gathering of online educators, leaders, experts and officials to discuss current obstacles as well as promising ideas and strategies to effect lasting positive change for students through digital learning opportunities.
Now to find an online school that gives extra credit for blogging about education policy.