Keeping the Conversation Going: Independence Institute's New National School Choice Week Video
I’ve spent a lot of time at the Colorado State Capitol over the last month or so. Committee hearings, meetings, awkward hallway loitering—you name it, this little guy has done it. But by far the most fun I’ve had under the golden dome was the National School Choice Week rally last month. I hope you were there too, because I made a list. Did you really think those bright yellow scarves that your favorite ruggedly handsome policy analysts handed out were just for show?
But just in case you weren’t around to be counted with the hoard of yellow-clad school choice supporters, my friends at the Independence Institute put together a fun little video on the rally. Specifically, Damon Sasso and Justin Longo deserve a huge shout out for their great work filming, editing, and polishing the video. They even managed to make Ross Izard sound good, and believe me when I tell you that’s tough to do.
Ben DeGrow conducted the interviews, and he did so well that I’ve heard he’s been nominated to replace now-disgraced NBC anchor Brian Williams.
Without further ado, here’s the video:
Pretty neat, right? It’s hard to watch that video and not feel a little happier. And that’s especially true if all you’ve gotten so far was the highly questionable TV news reporting that followed the rally.
But while you’re feeling all warm and fluffy, remember the video’s underlying message: There are thousands more Colorado families who need and deserve more choice for their children. All those smiling faces should be reminders of both how far we’ve come and how far we have to go. After all, there are plenty of kids who aren’t smiling about their educational prospects.
National School Choice Week 2015 has passed, but the battle for expanded choice continues. I’ll be doing my part as always, but you can do yours by spreading the word. Share the video with your friends and neighbors, and keep the conversation going about school choice. We only get one National School Choice Week, but there’s no reason we can’t have 52 Colorado School Choice Weeks in 2015.
See you next time!