Give Your Charter School a Unique Name … Just Like Everybody Else
Colorado needs more charter schools. We have about 140 now. But many of them are full, and parents keep asking for more. Thousands of families across the state are on wait lists to get into charter schools.
On a lighter note today, Denise at Colorado Charters tells us how all those new charter schools we’d like to see could avoid confusion by steering clear of duplicating names. She gives plenty of Colorado examples. After reading through her list, your head will spin. With all the Academies, Pioneers, Frontiers, Excels, and Vanguards, you might think you’re on a car dealer’s lot (or maybe just shopping for car insurance).
Denise concludes:
In my dream world new charter schools select names that are unique and easy to differentiate. The founders check the Secretary of State’s website to make sure the legal name is available. And, of course, my dream world includes charter founders asking about the feasibility of using a school name before making it official.
So here’s a challenge to all those aspiring charter school founders: Pick a name that really sets you apart. How about naming the school after an inspiring national or Colorado historical figure? Whatever it is, find that unique name that really sells its strengths. Remember, if nothing else, it will make Denise’s dream world come true.
As for me, I plan to spend the next few days swimming, playing outside (baseball!), lighting sparklers, watching the big fireworks, maybe a picnic or two … But I won’t be having these Education Policy Center people blog for me. Have a great Independence Day weekend, and check back with us on Monday!