Virtual Learning Success Story Inspires
Some days you get tongue-tied (or finger-tied?), there’s a lot of background noise, and you can’t decide what in the world of K-12 education to share with people. There’s plenty going on, but nothing just seems… quite… right.
Then while perusing the great Choice Media website, you stumble across the kind of story that just makes you smile. The innovation and choice embedded in digital learning team up to create a flexible learning path for a Florida student. And as Sherri Ackerman writes for School Reform News, Willow Tufano has made the most of the opportunity:
No longer confined to a typical school day, the eighth-grader spent mornings and afternoons combing Craigslist and garage sales for electronics and other items, then sold them for a profit. At night, she studied English and algebra, keeping up her grades and socking away enough cash to buy a house with her mom, a real estate broker.
I hope you enjoy the story, as it speaks for itself. Little Eddie now just needs to figure out how to translate this special edublogging prodigy into entrepreneurial success. Anyone out there have some venture capital to share? Anyone? Ok, back to the books….