Teachers Union Leaders Miscalculate in Adams 12, Misbehave in DougCo
The campaign silly season just got sillier. A union-backed school board candidate in Adams 12 was just ruled to be ineligible for office because she lives outside the correct district boundaries. To think, two weeks ago she was most famous for subjecting her toddler son to a Klingon language immersion program.
Yesterday’s unexpected development makes one wonder whether Amy Speers or the local teachers union that spent $39,000 on her candidacy knew she lived in the wrong district and tried to hide it, or just avoided doing their homework. Due to population changes, the Board of Education followed the law and redrew the boundaries back in May 2012. So it wasn’t exactly new or secret.
In late 2011, Speers vied for the District 4 vacancy created by Heidi Williams‘ resignation to serve as mayor of Thornton. Rico Figueroa was chosen instead and now runs unopposed to keep the seat, because no one apparently paid enough attention to the fact that the new boundaries moved Speers into another district.
Stories like this one make me worried about all those adults out there who I’m supposed to look up to. So does the underlying truth in this hilarious 3-minute video:
That’s a humorous way of pointing out real issues in Douglas County of sign theft, campaign vandalism, and encouraging voter fraud. All from the union-backed, anti-reform crowd — seriously bent on propagating misinformation to regain power. The video may be silly, but it’s really hitting at a serious theme.
I guess the good news is that the incompetence and misdeeds of union activists generally are not attracting as many young people, based on Mike Antonucci’s Education Intelligence Agency account. (Being young myself, I find this very encouraging.) The average age of a U.S. teacher (41.2) is four years older than the average American (37.2), and the average age of a union member (45) another four years older yet.
But as Antonucci points out, it gets even more revealing:
NEA collected demographic data from the 7,000 delegates to its 2013 Representative Assembly (RA). The majority of these delegates already hold union office, whether as state and local presidents, members of state- and local-level union representative bodies, or as site representatives at their local schools. In short, RA delegates are NEA’s most active members. This year NEA learned their average age was 51.
You might think people that age would know better about decent behavior towards people you disagree with, or about figuring out where a school board candidate should live. But I guess it’s all just part of Colorado’s 2013 silly season.