Talent Pipeline Report Confirms that Eddie is a Very Wise Little Boy

Now that the holiday season has passed, students across the nation are settling back into their school routines. Despite the snow outside, for many college and high school students summer is fast approaching and with it the desire to gain professional skills through an apprenticeship or internship. These students recognize that industry experience is vital to a complete and well-rounded education. To back their claim, the Colorado Workforce Development Council has released its newest Talent Pipeline Report. The report’s number one recommendation?


“Accelerate and Deepen partnerships between education, business and industry to develop Colorado talent.”


That’s right, just as my friend Connan Houser at the Independence Institute claimed, It’s time for more public-private cooperation in education. I wish my school would consider this idea–I could design buildings for a company using Legos or help the accounting department with my abacus.


As exemplified by one of the movements leading enterprises, the effort to vitalize the relationship between business and education in Colorado is proving to be successful.


CareerWise, a Colorado nonprofit apprenticeship program, has had over half of its partner companies renew and agree to bring aboard a second group of students this coming fall. It has also added several new companies, and expects more of its currently affiliated companies to additionally renew.


CareerWise creates opportunities for students to gain experience in some of Colorado’s highest paying and most demanded jobs, such as healthcare, finance, and IT. The businesses involved gain the enthusiastic assistance of young apprentices, and, based on the high renewal rate, are greatly satisfied with the help they are receiving from the program.


The value of apprenticeships, internships, and other related programs is not lost upon students; with increasing competition and grade inflation the most competitive students nowadays are not just simply doing well in school. Whether they want to continue their education after high school or go right into the workforce, students recognize that real world experience proves your interest and capability, and holds a unique weight among colleges and employers alike.