Successful Arizona Blended Learning Charter Shows Colo. Can "Seize the Day"
I’m still recovering from an Easter candy “hangover,” so this post will not be filled with my usual in-depth analysis. Instead, I want you to check out a new School Reform News feature story by my Education Policy Center friend Ben DeGrow about a cutting-edge Arizona “blended learning” charter school that’s getting remarkable results:
Explaining the success of Carpe Diem Collegiate High School and Middle School requires more than simple answers, but the school’s innovations hold great promise for expanding educational excellence and opportunity.
With dozens of cubicles filling a large, open room, Carpe Diem resembles a corporate office more than a traditional school. Students in grades 6 through 12 sit at their individual stations as software loaded on their laptop computers guides them through core instructional material….
In addition to a physical education instructor and a special education teacher, Carpe Diem employs one instructor in each of five core subject areas to serve nearly 240 students enrolled in 2010-11. [link added]
Does that have your attention? Did that whet your appetite? You really need to read the whole piece to get a better picture of what’s going on, and to help see how Colorado could better welcome and support (hint: get out of the way!) effective and innovative blended learning entrepreneurs. Perhaps the article will inspire education transformers to Seize the Day and make a difference for current and future learners in our great state.
There’s more going on to get you started, though. My “inside” sources tell me that blended learning is the theme of a fully-booked Denver day-long conference this week, as well as the subject of an upcoming episode of The Devil’s Advocate… featuring a special guest host. Stay tuned!