Help Nuggets' "Birdman" Support ACE Scholarships for Needy Students
Christmas is right around the corner (I can hardly wait). And while it’s very easy for me to be obsessed with expanding my own Lego collection, it’s also very important to remember to give those who are in need.
I like basketball a lot, and the Denver Nuggets are my pro team. That’s why I was totally stoked to see Chris “Birdman” Andersen playing Santa Claus to raise money for the Alliance for Choice in Education (ACE). As explained on our School Choice for Kids website:
Families living in Colorado that are eligible for free or reduced lunch may apply for an ACE scholarship. The scholarship provides as much as 50 percent of a school’s tuition, with maximum payments of $2,000 per year for grades K-8 and $3,000 per year for grades 9-12. ACE commits to paying for four years of tuition. ACE provides more than 775 scholarships annually and has more than 150 partner schools. For more information see the ACE Web site.
Now, in the eyes of teachers unions, the fact that ACE supports school choice somehow makes them “Too Extreme for Colorado”. But would they dare go after the “Birdman” and call him “anti-public education”? Would they say that this local basketball star who has gone out of his way to help raise money to help poor kids find better schools somehow hates teachers? I hope not, because that would be a sure way to make this 5-year-old cry.
I’m glad I got that out of my system … So anyway, if you’ve already made your end-of-the-year contribution to help my friends at the Independence Institute, I hope you also can find a way to support ACE Scholarships and help increase school choice opportunities here in the Denver area.