Colorado School Leaders, Check Out Digital Learning Webinar: Wed., March 30
Hey there – YOU! I mean, hear ye, hear ye…. Colorado school and school district leaders, I wanted to share news of an upcoming online event that you may find very valuable as you seek to pursue academic excellence in these trying budget times. Education Week is hosting a webinar next Wednesday, March 30, from 11 AM to noon Mountain Daylight Time:
What are the 10 Elements of High-Quality Digital Learning that should be top of mind for everyone involved in education, from lawmakers to administrators to teachers and parents? How can your district or school harness these elements to develop an affordable, high-quality digital learning environment that engages students, parents and teachers? What have your peers learned from their own experiences with digital learning – and how can you use their insights to drive your success?
Join Tom Vander Ark, architect of Digital Learning Now’s 10 Elements of Digital Learning, Mickey Revenaugh, Executive Vice-President of Connections Learning, and Dr. William R. Hite, Jr., Superintendent of Prince George’s County Public Schools in Maryland, as they share their vision for the future of education and provide you with a practical guide for developing the best digital learning experience for your district and school.
Why participate? The future is here. Old systems aren’t working as they should. Digital learning is an important piece of innovation, and innovation done right can lead to more productive education spending. Budgetary pressures are creating new incentives to change. If you’re not ready to embrace the change, at least hear what it’s all about from a few of the best minds in the area of digital learning. You may find something promising to pursue for your district or your school.
Registration is free. If you miss the live event, it’s my understanding that it will be archived for later viewing. To me, the webinar has all the markings of an hour well spent. In any case, you first ought to check out those 10 Elements of High-Quality Digital Learning laid out by the illustrious Digital Learning Council.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled web surfing….