Boulder School Officials Won't Give Up on Case against State Charter Schools
I know, I know. Yesterday there was this big election, and some things happened that will have an impact on education reform in Colorado. I’m going to let you know more about that a little later. For now, regardless of winners and losers at the ballot box, there are real threats to face – like school officials who won’t give up on using the courts to wrest control and choice from parents:
The Charter School Act was passed by the then-Republican controlled General Assembly in 2004 to meet a growing demand for charter schools statewide. The legislation established the Charter School Institute, which provides oversight and funding to state charter schools.
Over the last four years, the Boulder Valley School District has consistently tried to tear down the law by challenging its constitutionality. The district says the law takes away its constitutional right to govern schools operating within its boundaries. Provisions in the state constitution allow school districts local control on education policy.
This particular complaint was first heard in district court with two other similar cases brought forth by Adams County School District 50 and the Poudre School District. However, when all three complaints were shot down in December 2006, only the BVSD appealed the decision.
As the Face The State story goes on to note, Boulder Valley doesn’t even have any Institute charter schools inside its boundaries. It’s really sad that local school officials want to step all over the rights of parents in other parts of Colorado whose children might benefit from attending a public charter school. One has to ask if this is the best use of education tax dollars. At least Adams 50 and Poudre knew when it was time to throw in the towel.
The fight for school choice in Colorado goes on.