Amazing Day to Appreciate Teachers and Celebrate Seven Years at Age 5
With a legislative session wrapping up today, and some big school board meetings going down this week, I feel like my little head is underwater. Which makes it a perfect time to step back and briefly express my amazement.
Amazed at what, you ask? In honor of National Teacher Appreciation Day, it only seems fitting to take hats off and pay tribute to all the great teachers in traditional public schools, charter schools, magnet schools, online schools, brick-and-mortar schools, private schools, and yes — even, homeschooling parents.
Little old me is taking it easy. I’ll start with a hat tip to the Association of American Educators and a statement from the group’s president Gary Beckner:
Teachers are true heroes in our communities who, through their dedication to children, work millions of small miracles every day. Showing our teacher appreciation shouldn’t be limited to this week and day, but establishing a particular time of the year for teacher appreciation helps us to remember how important teachers are in society.
Words are nice, but an occasion like this one deserves a bigger splash (thanks, Foundation for Excellence in Education):
More locally, Jeffco Public Schools is to be commended for the idea of putting on a brand-new Thank a Teacher Video Contest. The votes are in, and the winner is this girl from Coronado Elementary thanking her art teacher:
Further north, in the Thompson School District (recently under the hot spotlight), a group of people came together to put a nice ad thanking teachers in the Loveland Reporter-Herald.
A little lighter approach than last year, I know. Sure, you need a break, too. But when you’re a matter of hours away from the 7th anniversary of a blog run by a perpetual 5-year-old (don’t do the math), amazement seems the order of the day.