AG John Suthers Collects a Ton of Data to Defend Lobato School Finance Case
As the boss Jon Caldara noted yesterday, Colorado Attorney General John Suthers took time this week to talk to my Education Policy Center friend Ben DeGrow about the latest with that school funding lawsuit. Lobato, you’ve heard of it? Click the play button below (or follow this link) to listen to the 12-minute interview:
A quick follow-up with three points:
1. Yes, Suthers’ office is collecting a ton of data on Colorado school district spending. Apart from the case itself, this information may have education value for years to come.
2. Yes, it’s true that many taxpayers are paying for both sides of the lawsuit — thanks in large part to a campaign started by school officials’ lobbying groups months ago.
And 3. It sounds like it won’t be until sometime late in 2011 before the case is even heard in district court. For a lawsuit that began not long after I was born, it’s sure taking a long time. Maybe I’ll be out of high school before the state supreme court weighs in again….